Countdown to Egypt

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pyramids-Sphinx-Camels Oh My!

We started our day at the Pyramids of Giza (a district of Cairo). Each brick is almost as tall as I am and weighs about 2 tons each. They are massive. In working around the Pyramids they discovered an ancient sailing vessel buried beneath and have excavated and restored it. Looks like something Cleopatra would sail on. Next we went to ride camels. Yes, Mom and I rode camels. You can tell they don't like it much. Mine kept trying to be the leader when he was hooked on behind another one. You get on them when they are laying down and then they stand up. I screamed because you are up pretty high. It was only a 15 minute ride, but lots of fun. On the way back to the drop area, another camel came up and started scratching on my knee and sniffing - he backed off and then here he came again smelling my elbow and then he looked like he wanted to bite my elbow. We were all laughing. We then drove around to the area to see the Sphinx. Not as large as I was anticipating, but still huge.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Cairo We're Back

This morning we saw the Temple of Philae, the unfinished obelisk, the perfume oil store (Isis and Nefertity are heading to Midlothian), and the Aswan High Dam on our way to the airport. We are now back in Cairo. Tomorrow we head to the Pyramids and Sphinx. Tomorrow night is the sound and light show at the Pyramids. Sunday we head to the Egyptian Museum and the Khan El Khalili bazaar to do, yes, you know it - more shopping!!!!!!!!!!                 



Fascinating Abu Simbel

Our journey today took us on a 30 minute flight from Aswan to Abu Simbel. Can I just say OMG!!!!! Most fascinating temples of all right on lake Nasser. They are Nubian monuments carved during the reign of Ramses II. After a couple of hours at the temples we flew back to our ship and later took a felucca ride around Elephantine Island (with armed escort in tow). After returning from the felucca ride Mom and I walked to the Aswan market - the vendors are relentless. So much fun haggling over prices. They would say "hey I don't know what you want but I've got it." Spices, scarves, papyrus, alabaster galore. Yes, we've done our share of helping the economy. Lots of long days!!!!

Edfu/Kom Ombo/Aswan

Today we visited the Temple of Edfu. It is a temple dedicated to Horus, the falcon-headed son of Osiris. Alot of Egyptian mythology here!!!! So confusing I had to buy a pamphlet naming them all. Walking into the temple one of the vendors, Kareem, came up to me trying to sell me a white scarf. I told him I didn't have time - he gave me his business card, asked my name, and tied the scarf around my hat (an alleged gift, but I knew better). I told Mom, I bet he is trying to mark me so he can find me in the crowd of people leaving. I took the scarf off and put it in my purse. As we were leaving the temple, I hear "Cindy, it's me Kareem, remember me." Too funny. Next we set sail to

Kom Ombo. Prior to arriving in Kom Ombo, lots of vendors started hooking onto the ship and trying to sell us stuff. However, Mom didn't know they were vendors and freaked out - thought they were trying to hijack the ship. We had a Galabeya party (long decorative Egyptian dresses) and I might add that they are pretty darn comfortable. The temple of Kom Ombo was five minutes from our ship. Pretty impressive temple. Here sacred crocodiles basked in the sun on the river bank. The temple was dedicated to the falcon and crocodile gods. Vendors - EVERYTHING ONE DOLLA (no I didn't misspell it - that is what they say)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Luxor Balloon Ride Over West Bank

HOTTER THAN FIRE HERE TODAY!!!!!!! Got up at 3:00am this morning and went on a hot air balloon over the West Bank of Luxor. Went up about 1850 feet - absolutely wonderful - seeing the sunrise. Next, the members of the tour group that didn't do the balloon ride and our guide picked us up and we headed to the Valley of the Kings - got to see the tombs of Rameses IV, Rameses VI and Rameses IX. Pretty amazing. Next visited the Temple of Hatshepsut and then the Valley of the Queens. DID I MENTION IT IS HOTTER THAN FIRE?????? My body is in shock from all the water I've been drinking. Our ship sailed today and we are headed to Edfu. Hopefully more later - provided I can get internet.